Helderberg Lake
Community Association

(please put "Helderberg Lake" in
subject line)

If you have a photo you would like to share & you own the rights,
please email to Lorraine Emerick
(please put Helderberg in the subject field so it doesn't go to spam)

Thank you to past resident, Bob Patterson for reaching out and sharing memories and photos!

Hi Lorraine:

     So pleased to have found your web site as it is informative and brings back loads of great memories.  
The lake was a wonderful place to be as an 8 year old kid in the 50's and (I know it is today too) I looked forward to
a week at my Grandfather's (Ernie Haswell) camp.  His camp was located on the south side near the spillway and situated between the Van Allen camp on one side and the camp of Rev. Brandt on the other side.

     Additionally my Great Grandfather (Edward J Bedell, MD) had a camp in the 30's and 40's at the far end of the
lake and have been told that it was one of the earlier camps.  He passed in the late 40's so I only remember the
camp from a rowboat but I do recall it was nestled among the pines and was a log cabin and very dark in color.  
Could it possibly exist today?  My grandmother told me that he was one of a group of men who had the dam built or was planning to do so, although I can't confirm that.  The fact that the CCC did some/most or all of the work adds
new information that I never knew and is a great part of history.  

   Somewhere I am certain that I have photos that may be of interest to the association.  Of course they will all
be black and white and mostly from the mid 50's to early 60's.  I just have to locate them if you are interested.

Bob Patterson

1958 or so and includes: top row l to r, my Aunt Carolyn, Grandpa Haswell (we called him Pop Pop), center row l to r, cousin Terry  and cousin Tommy and bottom row, l to r:  cousin Mike, Ethel Haswell  (my step Grandmother) my sister Sandy, Me (Bob Patterson) and my Mom.
Great Grand Dad fishing at the edge of the lake, presumable in front of his cabin.  The camp in the background should be a giveaway as to approximate location of where he was standing.  Not sure of the year this was taken but he died in 1948.   

Bob Patterson & Sister                                                                                           Bob Patterson
Bob Patterson' s Sister